Monday 9 February 2009

Can someone please explain.....

Unless I am very much mistaken, I am technically an actor. Yes, I am aware that I am currently an out-of-work actor, but that does not change the fact that I am an actor nonetheless, so zip it!

Can someone, therefore, explain to me why I seem incapable of learning lines for an audition? I mean, it's kind of in the job description that we be able to learn lines, as most stories tend to have scripts (although not these days - damn Big Brother influence...I hate reality TV! But we'll save that for another time...) and learning said script is part and parcel of what actors do.


I have been trying to learn 6 paragraphs for the past two weeks and so far, I have learned one of them. The audition is in two days and I am starting to lose the plot! I wouldn't mind but to make matters worse, I seem to be learning the lyrics of every song I hear on the radio instantly, whether I want to or not. They just sink straight in!! How in the hell can I remember Lady Gaga, but not a monologue I am reading at every waking moment....??

Okay, not EVERY waking moment, seeing as I'm typing this when I could be learning, but d'ya know something? I've been working pretty hard on it so give me a break for ten minutes, will you? God! You don't hear me giving you grief for wasting YOUR day reading stupid blogs, do ya? No! Because I respect the fact that you might like a break from whatever it is you're you're welcome for my respectful allowances!

Right, that's enough ranting. Back to work. Wish me luck!